Wished I could try a medium format camera
H: "Welcome Home Mamy" ---- I still leave it on the wall and do not want to take it down!!
Apple cheeps. Love in tart disc form.
Visiting Grandparents
I had planned to take a photo of my beautiful gifts,
but when I got "home" I saw this and got totally distracted.
This is from December. What is keeping it alive?
Where can I find these in pill form
Over 17,000 people in attendance. I enjoyed the people watching. hehehe
In no particular order, some of my favourite drinks here. Not cream, but coffee (ok, the cream's raison d'ĂȘtre is the coffee right?), pop that tastes like coke and rum, and flavourful beer.
Ready when you are. These and the rest of your O-town winter kit await your return. ;-)
I want to share these two photos back to back. She wasn't smiling when I held up my camera. As soon as I showed her how she looked, she immediately gave me this beautiful smile! So, I am cheating today, these two photos will serve as my 44th and 31st photo of the year!
PS. She attends Reaksa's school in Kopreach village of Siem Reap.
Your life can be shrunk into a size of a doll house, or you choose not.
One form of human exploitation which I didn't expect to see at Tonle Sap Lake, it was a very terrible day, a very terrible day!
Sunset aglow, we get shutter happy
a street corner
One I admire and respect so very much!