

Today's lifesavers

eighty seven


eighty six


eighty nine


Track 04 - The Shadow Proves The Sunshine

eighty eight


I couldn't shake off the smell after my Caesar wrap at lunch ^_^'

eighty seven


  Proverbs 31

  16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
  17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
  18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.

eighty five


eighty four


eighty six


A rare fish dinner and the hand that made it.

eighty three


eighty two




eighty five


When he's around, even filing taxes can be fun!

eighty four


I like his concentrating face.

eighty three


Do you remember when you gave me this chair? LOL

eighty two


eighty one


seventy nine


seventy eight




A new way to launder your delicates.

seventy nine


Haha I think I bought this as research for our honeymoon.

seventy eight


Desperate for something beautiful today

seventy seven


seventy seven


seventy six

2.5 teeth!!

seventy five


seventy four


seventy six


Does this allow entry back to my homeland?

seventy five


两隻病猫 • Sick as a dog

seventy four


Resting in PJs.

seventy three


seventy three


"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Today my heart is enlarged and sensitized by the suffering a friend is going through. Indeed His love sandpapers our hearts.

seventy two


Even the gecko is crawling to the Cross!

(PS. Sorry for the non-action last week, I will do better with the 70s!!)

seventy two


So simple but soooo delicious! K makes the best noodles.

seventy one


sixty nine

My Nana; Lilias' Nana; and Lilias!! <3>

seventy one


Today I photographed a beautiful house and HOME.



K tries to keep the disgruntled diner happy. They're both so sweet.

sixty nine


These nuts make me so happy! From Ottawa Roastery at 1221 Kilborn Ave.

sixty eight


Is there anything better than getting paid to do arts and crafts?

sixty seven


April showers please come soon.

sixty six


sixty five


I heart this man!!! :))

sixty six


The after work snack that made me so happy! I would've taken a photo of the actual serving, which was elegant and appetizing, except I completely devoured it before capturing the thing of beauty.

sixty five


I look forward to a bigger space one day. But for now let's just enjoy the view.

sixty four


sixty four


Celebrating 100 days of amazing life. Happy Baek-il, little man.

sixty three


lunchtime buddy

sixty two


sixty three


When does sweater season end and flowy-skirt season start?

sixty two


I didn't feel well today and came home early. I got into bed, turned over and found this. It made me smile before I fell into a mini coma.

sixty one


When you have a 9 month old baby crying for food. I cry for my food too - gotta love my corn flakes!!



It is cold outside. It is warm inside. My heart is waiting for hubby to come home, that makes everything warm and toasty!!

sixty one

i wish you lived here, love.
(i apologize for the flakey booger)

the days of the fifties didn't work out too well for me.  let's hope the sixties do better.

sixty one




fifty nine


gonna miss this house!!
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