Today I went to a garage sale, the Glebe Garage Sale to be exact. It's an annual event that spans across 16 city blocks and attracts bargain hunters, some who venture out at 6AM! I was excited because I've never been and wanted to check out what all the fuss was about.
I bought a pin and walked away happily with it on my jacket. At lunch I noticed that my jacket was pin-less. Checked all my pockets and bags and definitely no pin. Man, this sucks! You have to understand that there's a huge amount of stuff at this sale, house after house, street after street, and I don't buy anything unless it's "perfect" so whatever gets picked up it's my little piece of treasure.
Well it was just a pin, I consoled myself. At least I was having a fun day.
As we were about to leave the restaurant, two ladies walked in with their grocery trollies and I see the pin on the front flap of one of the trollies. THE SAME ONE!
In 30 Rock there's an episode where Liz gets flowers on Valentine's and she doesn't know who sent them. When it becomes clear that it was a mistake and it seems like the flowers would be taken away - that part, I felt so sad for her(!) - but the sender actually says something like 'no no you keep the flowers they came to you', that's why I didn't want to ask the lady for the pin back. I didn't want to steal someone's happy moment.
My very sweet husband thought otherwise and asked the lady if there was any chance she had found the pin on the ground. To which she replied: "Yeah! And that's why I put it on the trolley - I was hoping whoever lost it would see it. I'm so glad you asked!"
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my treasure of the day.
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